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Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-22 um 12.10.34.png
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-22 um 12.14.21.png

November 2022

6 other artists and me won a competition to take part in NATO's first graphic novel.
The Illustrators were picked from different countries and the Topic for the Illustration were chosen by young citizens.
Germany's topic was "war and its impact on infrastructure".
I created an illustration of a positive vision, how we could develope and how we could be more independent from authoritarian states.
In the illustration you can see a smarthouse, where nothing is wasted and the people stick together and save energy. They also have their own suistanable energies.

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NATO event
December 2022
After finishing the illustrations, we were invited to Brussels for the graphic novel launch. Around 150 people came to see our work and also some NATO members.

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